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16 okt 2019
Lifestyle : Smile Safari - Instagram museum
An Instagram museum is a well know phenomenon. If you haven't heard about it yet, you've been living under a digital rock for the past...
40 weergaven0 opmerkingen

8 okt 2019
Fashion : Current Promo's
I'm subscribed to tons of newsletters from online stores. I thought It might be usefull to put them all together so you could just look...
10 weergaven0 opmerkingen

12 sep 2019
Food : Pink Velvet - Antwerp Hotspot
A new pink hotspot popped up in Antwerp. As we already have a few (see other blogposts) and lost one (rip Chez Claires) this new kid on...
86 weergaven0 opmerkingen

3 sep 2019
Lifestyle : Zarautz surfvillage
I'm back. Back from catching (or attempt to) waves. It's been over 10 years since I stood on a surfboard. I got the surf itch more than a...
14 weergaven0 opmerkingen

26 jul 2019
Food : Vegan Junkfoodbar
For those who follow me on instagram know I went to Amsterdam last weekend. The main thing I did there was eat. Well that and have some...
7 weergaven0 opmerkingen

4 mrt 2019
Fashion : What I got for my birthday
This year I got a lot of fashion items instead of beauty. I'm one lucky woman. I got so much from my friends and family and I am so...
13 weergaven0 opmerkingen

4 mrt 2018
Food : High Tea @ Cuisinette Domestic
For my birthday I wanted to do a high tea. I found this place on Instagram smack down in the middle of Antwerp that I never heard of...
63 weergaven0 opmerkingen

15 jul 2017
Personal : 1 year anniversary #Marriedlife
Just one more week and we'll be married for one year. It feels like it was just yesterday as we were stressing for the big day and I was...
38 weergaven0 opmerkingen

9 jul 2017
Personal : The wedding weekend
I've been absent for too long ! The last couple of days I've been recuperating from a two day wedding party of our dear friends Nicolas...
90 weergaven0 opmerkingen

25 jun 2017
Personal : 10 Things you didn't know about me
I should've done this in the beginning other than dropping the bomb on you now (too soon ?). But I realise you don't really know who I...
89 weergaven0 opmerkingen

16 jun 2017
Beauty : Dr. Brandt Magnetic Mask
You read it right. A magnetic mask. This mask by Dr. Brandt I bought through is my all time favorite mask at the moment. For...
11 weergaven0 opmerkingen

6 jun 2017
Beauty : L'oréal Colorista
I still have partially bleached hair but I'm probably going back to brown next month. I've done the color scene. I went from brown hair...
32 weergaven0 opmerkingen

1 jun 2017
Beauty : New Look Beauty
Apparently a lot of you guys didn't know New Look sold cosmetic products. Which does surprise me because that would mean you haven't...
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23 mei 2017
Personal : 5 funny childhood stories
I wanted to do a '10 things you didn't know about me' post. But then I thought it would be better if I started at the beginning. Sharing...
34 weergaven0 opmerkingen

18 mei 2017
Food : Hoeked Doughnuts
On wednesday I wore pink and ate doughnuts that were as pretty as my outfit. Antwerp's newest food hotspot got everybody hooked. A...
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7 mei 2017
Fashion : H&M Conscious Collection
Let's get things straight. The H&M Conscious collection isn't entirely made from sustainable material. The good thing is that H&M is...
21 weergaven0 opmerkingen

5 mei 2017
Beauty : Glamglow
The brand Glamglow isn't new to me. I already own two of their products. I'm a true believer of the Glamglow thirsty mud mask and I've...
18 weergaven0 opmerkingen

3 mei 2017
Beauty : Beautybox - Natural Beauty
May's beautybox was full of goodies I could use. Of course there are always some products I can't use but I give them to my friends of...
8 weergaven0 opmerkingen

30 apr 2017
Food : Fruity Tiramisu with beer
This is my first ever foodpost. I while ago I posted a picture of a dessert I made for friends. I got a lot of comments on instagram how...
14 weergaven0 opmerkingen

23 apr 2017
Beauty : Iconic London
I just can't help myself. Everytime I see a new product beautyproduct on instagram I want to try, I just buy it. I can't control it...
19 weergaven0 opmerkingen
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